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Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Signs Your Boiler Is in Trouble

Pressure gauge process for monitored condition.Chances are, if you have a boiler you’re relying on to effectively heat your home, you also want it to do so as affordably as possible. If this is the case, it’s important to care for your boiler properly. This starts with professional installation from a highly trained and experienced team of heating professionals, and following up with proper maintenance, and boiler repair in Evanston, IL when needed.

Speaking of boiler repairs, these are pretty sturdy systems. However, even with diligent care, there’s always a chance that something will go amiss. As a result, your boiler will wear down to the point that it will need to be replaced. To give your system the longest life possible, you can and should tackle repair needs ASAP. But do you know the signs you have a boiler problem to begin with?

Here are some!

Foul Smells

Any type of unfamiliar or unpleasant odor isn’t something to ignore. With gas-powered systems, it should be addressed right away for safety reasons. Even if it’s not gas causing the concern, foul odors can be the result of a ventilation system problem.

Water Leaks

We can’t fathom why you would want to, but please never ignore a leak or neglect calling for inspection and repairs when you see a leak occurring. First off, water can create significant property damage in a short amount of time, and a leak is a definite sign that something is going wrong, which at the very least can result in system inefficiency.

Temperature Problems

Is your water usually cooler or warmer than what the temperature is supposed to be at? You may have a problem with your boiler. Usually, temperature problems mean that water isn’t circulating as it should be, so your boiler can’t perform consistently.

High Bills

Your energy bills are going to, naturally, go a little higher this season as the weather cools and you use your boiler more and more. However, if these bills are significantly higher than they were last year, or compared to what your neighbors are paying, then it’s definitely a sign your boiler isn’t performing as efficiently as it once did.

Frequent Repair Needs

The above mentioned issues are all repair needs you may face with your boiler at some point. However, they shouldn’t be grouped together. That is, you shouldn’t be constantly calling for repairs. If this is the case, it may be time for a boiler upgrade instead of another repair. In most cases, a new boiler is going to be the more economical choice over having repairs done every few months.

The general rule of thumb here is that if your next repair or group of repairs is going to cost half of what your boiler system is worth, then you should look into a replacement instead. Of course, every case is different, so the best thing you can do to determine the ideal course of action is call in the pros for a close inspection.

For reliable heating services, contact Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning today!

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