Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for November, 2021

How to Use Your Electric Furnace More Efficiently

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Electric appliances often get a bad rep. Why’s that? Well, because when compared to natural gas, it’s not exactly the most affordable fuel source out there.

But still, there are many reasons consumers choose electric appliances, particularly electric furnaces for their homes. First off, they might not actually have access to a municipal gas line, in which case propane and electricity are the only options–and propane isn’t the most convenient! Secondly, while gas-powered furnaces are not inherently dangerous, homeowners do often choose electric furnaces due to safety concerns.

This doesn’t mean you have to pay an arm and a leg to use an electric furnace, however! Read on as we uncover how to use your electric furnace as efficiently as possible.

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These Steps of Heating Installation will Help You Avoid Repairs

Monday, November 1st, 2021

You might be wondering how exactly installation can help you avoid repairs. Well, simply put, when an HVAC system isn’t adequately installed, damages are a lot more likely. Inefficient operation is also a lot more likely, which exacerbates wear and tear. You could find yourself not only with an increased frequency in repairs, but a furnace that breaks down years before it should have.

That said, it is important that you only trust trained, qualified, and experienced professionals with your heating installation. We have very specific steps that we follow. We’ll outline these steps below, and let you know why it’s important that they get followed correctly. Read on, and then call us when you’re ready for a new heater that will work reliably and efficiently!

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