Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for June, 2022

5 Sounds You Shouldn’t Hear Coming from Your Air Conditioner

Monday, June 27th, 2022

We get used to the noises that we hear from our air conditioning in Winnetka, IL. While a dull hum and the occasional **click** are normal, there are some sounds you don’t ever want to hear and are signals that are something that needs your immediate attention.

In this article, we’ll tell you about 5 common air conditioner noises that spell bad news. If you start hearing any of these listed below, then that’s a tell-tale sign that repairs are in order. We’ll let you know who the usual culprits are and what those repairs will likely be. Remember, you don’t want to ignore what your AC is telling you because the worst thing is being stuck in a hot home this summer.

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The Best Way to Boost AC Efficiency and Save Money!

Monday, June 13th, 2022

In order to stay comfortable in our part of the world, it’s absolutely vital to have a powerful air conditioner. But when it comes to cooling your home, you want to do so affordably as well, right? 

With rising energy prices, many homeowners today are looking for ways to bring down their financial obligations. This might mean even avoiding the use of their air conditioners even though they’re really uncomfortable. The good news is, you really don’t have to avoid using your air conditioner. In fact, there are ways you can use it better that will make more efficient use of your energy and therefore, save you money. Read on to learn more! 

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