Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

AC Not Performing As It Should? Here’s Why

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Nobody needs to explain to you why an air conditioner is beneficial. Air conditioning is more than just a luxury these days, it’s a necessity to stay comfortable and even healthy inside of our homes. If you have a whole-house air conditioner in place, however, and it’s not performing as it should, it could leave you frustrated and miserable.

We would like to help you avoid this! There are a few AC performance problems in particular that homeowners will often ignore or neglect at first, because “it’s not that bad” or they’re afraid that a repair will be expensive. The truth is, though, that the longer you wait on fixing a cooling system problem, the worse the problem can get—until you’re stuck with a completely broken down system.

So, read on as we uncover these few common AC problems and what they may mean for your air conditioner.

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Why Is AC Short-Cycling a Problem?

Monday, June 15th, 2020

One of the most common, and unfortunately one of the most damaging, problems an air conditioner can experience is a condition called short-cycling. Short-cycling is both the symptom of a problem and a problem in itself. In some cases, a few simple adjustments from your HVAC pro can fix this issue. But in many cases, the root cause is serious and requires a bit more than just that.

And unless the short-cycling is stopped, it will lead to the premature breakdown of your air conditioner, prompting you to have to replace it much sooner than you planned. Plus, until that point, your air conditioner will have wasted a whole lot of energy and money.

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4 Reasons to Consider Going Ductless

Monday, May 18th, 2020

Did you know there is an alternative to using your air conditioner and heating system that only involves installing one system? For many homeowners throughout Chicagoland, a ductless system is becoming the preferred option for home temperature control, and for good reason. They’re good at not only keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

We get it—choosing the right HVAC system for your household can seem overwhelming, as there are many options to choose from. Our best advice is for you to speak with a trained and experienced professional before making a final decision. Not all homes are candidates for a ductless system, but our pros can help you make an informed decision about what’s best for your household.

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Air Conditioning Maintenance: Does Your Ductless System Need a Tune-Up?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Has it been 6 months since your last ductless system tune-up? If so, then yes, your ductless system needs a tune-up again!

The fact of the matter is, if you are utilizing a ductless mini-split system for your heating and cooling, you need to schedule maintenance twice as often as other HVAC systems—after all, you’re using it twice as much. Without this bi-annual maintenance, you simply won’t be able to enjoy the full benefits of your ductless cooling and heating system since it won’t be able to perform as efficiently or effectively.

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It’s Time to Think About End-of-Season AC Care!

Monday, September 9th, 2019

pipe-with-blue-cloth-tied-around-itThe official end of summer is near, and soon it will be time to start thinking about our heating systems (in fact, it’s not too early to think about scheduling heating maintenance!) You’ve likely been using your air conditioner fairly consistently over the last few months, and the last thing you need now is a sudden breakdown or huge repair issue when you still need your system.

The good news is, most air conditioning repair needs show signs and symptoms well before they force your system to shut down. So if you notice anything now, it’s a good idea to give us a call. This way you’ll be able to rely on your system not only for the rest of this summer, but when you start to use it as temperatures warm up again next year, too.

You should never attempt to formally diagnose or repair a faulty AC on your own—particularly because they have potentially dangerous components such as refrigerant) but you can definitely spot the signs that it’s time to call in a pro. We’ve covered some of the most common below!

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Is Your Air Conditioner Showing Signs of Disrepair?

Monday, August 26th, 2019

top-view-of-air-conditioning-outdoor-unitWe’ve been running our air conditioners pretty regularly all summer long. If problems developed with yours, you might be tempted to put off repairs—though we really don’t recommend doing so. We understand how tempting it can be, with the end of summer just a handful of weeks away. But if you want to avoid a sudden breakdown and ensure that your system is ready to perform next year, we urge you to take care of any repair needs you have right away.

We can’t continue without saying, if you haven’t had AC maintenance done this year, it’s not too late! This service is typically recommended once a year, and in the spring before you need your AC the most. But it matters more that you have it done consistently, than it does the time of year you schedule this service. Professional maintenance will help you avoid the worst of repairs, and for the rest, you can call our team. But how do you know if you need repairs anyway?

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Is August a Bad Time to Buy an Air Conditioner?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

row-of-homes-in-summertimeMid-late summer is never an ideal time to buy an air conditioner. But if yours calls it quits, or shows signs of major disrepair, then—simply put—you may have no choice.

But that should not mean, however, that you rush into your air conditioner purchase! You should take your time and talk to the experts about the benefits of certain cooling system types. Trust a professional to correctly match your home to the right air conditioner and vice-versa, all while giving you the most efficiency for your budget.

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Does Your Ductless System Need Repair?

Monday, July 29th, 2019

ductless-air-handler-with-remoteDuctless systems are incredibly effective and efficient HVAC systems, and a leading choice for many homeowners throughout Chicagoland, particularly those renting out rooms or portions of their homes. It saves energy, and subsequently money!

But, ductless systems can run into trouble and require unique repairs—at least, if they are not professionally installed. These heating and cooling systems are meant to be convenient and easy to use, never suffering from ductwork-related problems because they don’t have any! But with improper installation, or inconsistent maintenance, you could potentially run into one of the following problems.

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How Damaged Ductwork Impacts AC Performance

Monday, July 15th, 2019

hvac-technician-hands-sealing-up-damaged-ductworkYou’d be hard pressed to find a homeowner in the Chicagoland area who doesn’t care how efficient their HVAC systems are. Given how much of our heating we use each year, it stands to reason that when the time comes to turn on our air conditioners, we want to do so as affordably as possible.

But what many individuals don’t think about, is the fact that the “V” part of HVAC plays a pivotal role in all of this. Your ventilation—your ductwork—connects your AC and forced-air heating systems to the outdoors, making the distribution of conditioned air possible. Your ducts are usually out of sight, hidden behind walls, beneath floors, or even in your attic or crawlspace. So, what happens if this ductwork was installed by an amateur, or it is aging to a point of degradation?

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What Is AC Short-Cycling and Why Is It Bad News?

Friday, June 14th, 2019

air-conditioning-vent-on-wallShort-cycling is about as ominous a word as it seems, and unfortunately is a fairly common malfunction with an air conditioner—that is, if it wasn’t installed properly or you don’t have it regularly maintained.

To give you a brief definition, short-cycling is when the compressor of your air conditioner turns on and off in rapid succession—too quickly to do any good, and too quickly for your air conditioner to efficiently and effectively manage.

Read on to learn more about what this is and why it’s bad news for your cooling system overall.

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