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Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Pros and Cons of Installing a Gas Furnace

a temperature gauge showing just the right temperature

Spring may be here, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely done with your furnace yet. We still have some days off ahead of us when temperatures will dip low enough to turn on the heating system. But what if your furnace is reaching the end of its lifespan? Can you make it through the rest of the winter?

It may be time for an upgrade, and now is a great time to make one. If you’ve been considering gas furnaces in Chicago as an option for a heating upgrade, it’s a great choice. But there are some pros and cons you need to consider. You can keep reading to learn more about gas furnaces as well as the benefits and risks of installing one in your home.

Benefits of a Gas Furnace

Gas furnaces are very well known for their effective heating. The use of gas with an open flame to create combustion heats up the air very quickly compared to other heating methods. This means that a gas furnace can increase your indoor air temperature very quickly when needed.

Gas furnaces may also save you on your energy costs since they heat up so effectively. But there are some considerations to make along these lines. Gas furnaces tend to use more energy to create combustion compared to other heating methods. The trade-off is that they heat up so quickly that they don’t need to use that energy for very long. Because of this, gas furnaces may use less energy overall compared to an electric furnace or another heating option.

Downsides of a Gas Furnace

Gas furnaces can require a little more maintenance compared to other heating options. The combustion process can add strain to the unit and make it more likely that parts need to be tweaked or repaired during regularly scheduled maintenance appointments. Gas furnaces are also very sensitive to dust and dirt buildup. 

Vacuuming and dusting around your home is very important in helping your gas furnace to operate efficiently. We also recommend that you turn your gas furnace off completely, allow it to cool down, and wipe down the inside at least once each month to help reduce the amount of buildup.

How to Choose a Gas Furnace

When it comes to choosing a gas furnace, you do have options. All furnaces come with an AFUE rating that estimates the overall energy efficiency of the model. While the minimum accepted efficiency is an 80, that means 20% of the energy being consumed by your gas furnace is being lost, with only 80% translating into actual heat for your home. 

A gas furnace with a higher AFUE rating is going to be more energy efficient and cost less to operate. For example, selecting a high-efficiency gas furnace with a rating of 90 on the AFUE scale means that an additional 10% of energy being consumed translates directly into heat. This reduces the amount of energy your gas furnace has to use in the first place.

Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning is your trusted resource for Chicagoland area home services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for gas furnace replacement!

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