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Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Yes, Your Heat Pump Needs Twice-a-Year Tune-Ups

If you’ve already scheduled heat pump service once this year, you may think that you are done. However, it is important to schedule heat pump maintenance twice per year. After all, your heat pump is operating as both the heater and air conditioner for your home without many breaks in the off-season.

Now is the time to schedule heat pump service in Wilmette for your heat pump as a heater. It’s the best way to stay ahead of heat pump problems over the winter season. You can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of scheduling heat pump service again now even if you already had a tune-up earlier in the year.

Energy Efficiency

One of the top reasons to schedule maintenance twice for your heat pump is the energy efficiency consideration. Your heat pump operates all year long around the clock without a break. Other systems would turn off for a portion of the year while the opposite heater or air conditioner operates. A heat pump does not work the same way. 

Unless you turn the system off manually to give it a break, your heat pump is on for its entire lifespan. This can add additional strain to the unit and result in higher energy costs. When you schedule a tune-up twice a year, it gives us two opportunities to make minor tweaks to your heat pump that allow it to operate more efficiently. 

This is especially important when you consider that during the summertime, we only maintain components that aid in cooling. Your heat pump has an entirely separate set of components that allow the refrigerant to reverse directions in the winter. It is important to check those parts in a timely manner as well–usually right before or right after the winter season.

Longer Lifespan

Scheduling a tune-up for your heat pump twice per year is one of the best ways to extend the unit’s lifespan. Usually, you can expect your heat pump to last for 10-15 years. Regular tune-ups are the secret if you want it to last that long. It’s easy to think that skipping out on a tune-up here or there isn’t a big deal. 

However, if something is going wrong inside of your heat pump and it has an opportunity to continue on for a year or longer, the damage can spread to other components and put strain on the entire system. Even when you do schedule a tune-up, you may not be able to reverse some of the lasting damage.

Saving on Repairs

You may just see dollar signs when you think about scheduling a tune-up twice per year. However, we encourage you to consider that the biannual tune-ups are actually an investment in your system and a fantastic way to prevent more expensive repairs.

Hands down, scheduling maintenance is much cheaper than scheduling a repair. Skipping out on a tune-up could mean spending hundreds if not over a thousand dollars on a repair later into the season.

Shavitz Heating and Air Conditioning is your trusted resource for Chicagoland area home services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for heat pump installation and service!

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